Monday, March 1, 2010

Wicky Wicky

SO....I'm not just going to use this account for my schoolin'. "ClockThought" is too good of a name for just that.....

While I was posting my last Blog, "Currently? Current TV," I had had two Monster energy drinks and was listening to music. I had this brilliant idea of posting a blog on how crappy I feel now that the energy has been sucked right out of my being, but I decided against it. Instead i'm going to post this blog. A blog on music, because music is a skill of avoidance for anything. Sorry Cancer, music can even get you out of mind!

First up the Underground Hip-hop scene. One might ask what "underground" even means, I would reply, "music that hasn't sold out." There are a lot of hip-hop artists...musicians in general, actually... that have sold out in many different ways. Going on the radio airwaves, changing their music for money, remolding their views on life or situations that contradict previous statements, thoughts, or lyrics.

Anyway, the underground consists of artists that, for the time being at least, have not sold themselves out. Illogic, one of the best lyricists on the planet, has being making music for years. Have you ever heard him on the radio? Most probably not. A lot of us know about Atmosphere, do most of us know of Felt? How about Brother Ali? alright, maybe you heard Brother Ali on the radio, but I'm almost positive you haven't heard Felt. Do you know who Felt even is? Look 'em up, especially if you like Atmosphere. I'm just telling you about the people, don't look at me to open gates for you're lazy ass. Just joking! Relax, go check out ""

That's all I really feel like talking about at the moment. I WILL, however, post more on the Underground scene later, so keep your eyes peeled like oranges.

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