Monday, March 1, 2010

Currently? Current TV

Current TV, created by Al Gore and Joel Hyatt, is a news source that takes aim at the 18-34 age group. It’s main goal is to capture the attention of this age group in hopes they will take an interest in the current situations around them. Created because of a dislike for the already existing news stations, feeling as though they didn’t do a good enough job of grasping certain people’s interest or attention. Current TV has it’s own TV channels, which is convenient if you have satellite. If you don’t have a satellite service for your television cravings, no worries, you can watch the current videos on the Current TV dot com.

The tactics used by Current TV vary, but with that same goal still intact. They use the events in daily world news and put a spin of sorts on it. For example, there is a video of Socrates and Plato conversing over who is “hot or not.” With clear disagreements from two major magazines, they try to determine whether a star is really “hot or not” in a philosophical (sort of) way. The video is an animation, which doesn’t really grab the attention of the elderly. More the attention of younger generations, say 18-34. Although the topic of “hot or not” can be viewed as ridiculous, the video is covering something that a lot of American people actually pay attention to.

Also on the website, you will find videos that are less humorous and more ‘important.’ The recent earthquake in Chile has a video dedicated to talking about the looting that has taken place since the quake, the peoples struggle for survival, and even the families being reunited. There are numerous postings about the quake and it’s affects. For people that concern more about the ‘important’ stuff, this is perfect, straight to the point information without all of the bias advertisement infected news on CNN or Fox.

Hey, your not interested in Chile or who’s “hot or not?” That’s okay, do you like music, being green, or laughing? There’s information on Guru’s coma and the Playstation 3 issues. Do you like Graffiti? Check out the “Art and Style” section. Marijuana activists, check out the Bongwater Bob stuff on the site. Some of it’s humorous, other things are more serious.

The point is, this site (or channel) covers a lot of different topics that most people have some sort of concern about these days. Information is brought to the mind consumer through many different ways. An individual doesn’t have to view a video to learn about current events, they could read the story, just look at the pictures, watch a funny video. It’s really up to the person looking for the information, and if a viewer is concerned enough about a topic, they can even post their own videos that might just make it on TV. All-in-all, Current TV is a very good tool when it comes to knowing what’s new in the world. The only question is, how would you use it?

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